Our Partnerships
We believe that relationships are key to growth as a business and industry. This is why Wood’s Fisheries partners with boats, customers, and conservation organizations that share our view on sustainability practice in the shrimp fishery.
We were one of the first domestic shrimp producers to use Trace Register, a global database of catch information and product life history – from source to sale. As a Pioneer member of Gulf Seafood Trace we have been able to help define what true traceability is – 100% transparency.
We have been supporters of Ocean Trust and the work they are doing in building partnerships between the private sector, government and conservation interest.
FishWise is “a sustainable seafood consultancy that promotes the health and recovery of ocean ecosystems through environmentally responsible practices.” They have been instrumental in building some of the world’s largest seafood sustainability practices.
Groups such as Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch, Ocean Wise (Vancouver aquarium), Sea Choice, Blue Ocean Institute, and NOAA FishWatch provide sustainability rating systems for seafood products. With so much misinformation about seafood and specifically shrimp there is a huge need for groups such as these to sort through and give a clear understanding about each fishery. Education for the consumers and buyers is the key to sustainable fisheries around the globe.
FishChoice brings together all of the rating systems and other groups to create a comprehensive picture for business to better understand the environmental impact of their seafood.